dinsdag 24 april 2012

Organization strategy & development: balanced scorecard

The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals.

Eén van de opmerkelijke ontwikkelingen in kwaliteitsland is het organisatiemodel van de heren Kaplan en Norton: de Balanced Scorecard. Het is een weergave van de balans in een goed functionerende organisatie. Centraal staan de visie en strategie van een organisatie. Deze worden concreet gemaakt in vier perspectieven: financieel perspectief (lees: winst), afnemersperspectief (klanten), interne processen (activiteiten) en het leer- en groeiperspectief (continuïteit). Van deze vier perspectieven wordt ook de onderlinge samenhang gedefinieerd. De balanced scorecard wordt met name gebruikt als evaluatiehulpmiddel voor managers die complexe doelstellingen hebben. Het idee achter de balanced scorecard is dat een manager niet alleen is af te rekenen op financiële resultaten, maar dat ook andere prestaties worden meegenomen in de jaarlijkse beoordeling. De term balanced komt van het feit dat verschillende factoren ook verschillend worden gewogen.

woensdag 18 april 2012

Market entry Benelux or Europe with immediate kick off?

Many companies successfully operate in their home market or neighbouring country markets. Due to economical market development and circumstances entrepreneurs are tended to focus on cost saving measures, optimization of processes, even the lay off of talented co-workers resulting in the "loss of knowledge".Through market development focussed on new area's and new niches
and based on a solid market entry plan organizations  will not only stabilize their business but increase their businesses. Developing a market entry strategy involves analysis, planning, organization, execution and control.

Adsom consultancy is a "small and pragmatic" Strategic & Operational Consultancy & Management firm. Adsom facilitates your market entry and local presence.When considering to establish your presence in The Netherlands or Benelux, you require information on many different topics. At Adsom we can help you gather the relevant information. Since 1982 Adsom has built expertise and a network of contacts in various business & industrial fields, and have acquired the knowledge of local conditions and practices, which enables them to operate successfully in the multi-lingual, multi-cultural European market. Through our extensive business network, we manage or put you in contact with lawyers, notary, accountants, fiscal specialists, real estate agencies and governmental business facilitators. These contacts are experts in their respective fields and have worked together with our clients on many occasions.
In addition, Adsom can give you a unique insight into the labour markets, providing you with valuable information on labour law, compensation and benefits as well as useful information on candidate demographics.

Immediate execution of sales & marketing in The Netherlands? We are part of your organization and are teamed up for an immediate kick off in sales & marketing.

For more information please contact Mario via http://nl.linkedin.com/in/mariokruysse or https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1785666247

maandag 16 april 2012

       Job crafting voor succesvol solliciteren

Een goed zicht op uw competenties, op passende functies, organisaties en werking van de actuele arbeidsmarkt, stelt u in staat een weloverwogen inschatting te maken van de haalbaarheid van de uitgezette sollicitatiekoers.
Hierbij valt op dat professionals met een zelfde functie toch heel verschillend over hun baan en werkgeschiedenis denken. De verdienste van job crafting is dat het een wezenlijke bijdrage levert alle onderdelen van het werk, de functie en persoonlijke competenties te analyseren en systematisch de mogelijkheden voor verbetering na te gaan.
Bij de opzet van uw curriculum vitae en uw persoonlijke presentaties wordt het verschil met de toepassing van job crafting merkbaar. Voor de sollicitatiecommissie bij het maken van de   afwegingen een belangrijk ijkpunt bij de besluitvorming.
Het versterken bij de  persoonlijke oriëntatie op arbeidsmarkt, het verwerven van een nieuwe baan en het effectiever kunnen functioneren van mensen in organisaties vormt de kern van onze missie. Daarvoor ontwikkelen en geven wij trainingen waarbij het accent wordt gelegd op handelingsgericht leren en gedragsgericht werken.
De persoonlijke situatie met alle mogelijk denkbare weerbarstige omstandigheden is uitgangspunt van onze aanpak en wordt er met job crafting geoefend met nieuw gedrag. Het belangrijkste instrument is zijn eigen persoon. Aan de omgeving kan hij niets veranderen, aan zichzelf wel.

vrijdag 13 april 2012

Import & Export low cost (& low risk!)

mercoledì 11 aprile 2012

Il mercato olandese

Lasciamo volentieri la parola a

Esperto del mercato olandese che ci racconta come sia possibile per le aziende italiane fare affari nel paese dei tulipani.
Ho vissuto per 5 anni in Italia. Nel passato essendo direttore di vendita & marketing con focus su sviluppo del mercato europeo e benelux e organizazione. Ora, dal punto di vista di strategical & operational management support, disponibile a dare sopporto a ditte per quanto riguarda lo sviluppo del mercato locale e la struttura dell'organizzazione.Sviluppo del mercato, vendita & marketing incl. online presenza.
Sono un "imprenditore" multi lingual commerciale, un self starter, professionale in vendita & & marketing
La crisi economica, com'è noto, ha toccato tutto e tutti.
Ci sono Paesi al mondo, più o meno preparati a far fronte alle crisi, alla crisi del secolo o anche a quella della storia. L'America di Obama ci prova soprattutto con l'infondere speranza e ottimismo, benzina naturale del motore umano, capace di muovere le folle, di 'accendere' ogni singolo individuo e portarlo a raggiungere grandi risultati. L'Europa, dal canto suo che fa? Che fanno i singoli Paesi del vecchio continente? Esiste la stessa carica (capacità, direbbero alcuni) di ricreare il giusto ambiente per una nuova ripresa economica?
Noi crediamo di si. L'esempio ci viene dato da due grandi Stati dall'illustre passato e dalle profonde differenze, la cara affaticata Italia e la poliedrica Olanda. Legate da una grande intesa commerciale, le due nazioni da tempo usufruiscono di notevoli vantaggi nei settori dell'import-export. Nel 2009 le esportazioni olandesi in Italia ammontavano ad oltre 20 miliardi di Euro, viceversa i prodotti italiani entrati in Olanda raggiungevano quasi gli 11 miliardi di Euro. Le figure erano tali da portare ciascuno dei due Paesi, rispettivamente al 5° e al 7° posto nel commercio con l'estero.
Nonostante il saldo della bilancia commerciale dei Paesi Bassi sia più che positiva in confronto a quella italiana, l'obiettivo principale rimane quello di rafforzarne l'intesa, sia commerciale che economica.
Nella nostra epoca gioca un ruolo sempre più strategico la conoscenza dei mercati
Il tema è unico e attuale: il bisogno di comunicare, di confrontarsi, di porre sullo stesso piano due culture diverse, di raggiungere alla fine non solo un risultato comune, ma un risultato nuovo, originale, in grado di generare in continuazione nuove proposte, in una parola, in grado di produrre Progresso.
Risposte esaurienti e professionali alle problematiche di internazionalizzazione delle imprese per il miglior programma di penetrazione commerciale.
Consulta la sezione Mario Kruysse per informazioni e analisi delle opportunità d'affari per le aziende italiane per il mercato Olandese e Benelux

donderdag 5 april 2012

Connected Marketing

Developing a strong marketing strategy is crucial to effectively reaching your customers without wasting time or resources. Connected Marketing can help you build a detailed marketing strategy that gets results. Learn how to build an integrated approach that will take your current marketing plan to a new level. An integrated approach incl.social innovation will help you and your co-workers to succeed. Activate people and brand coherent to the mission, vision and brandidentity of your organization (source MKr/Adsom/Improphit/e.a).

dinsdag 3 april 2012

Leadership and rolemodels

As manager/director you want "change" in your organization? Change in your co-workers behaviour and attitude? Have the guts and start with yourself:
Unconventional Management mirror methods to evaluate your own management and leadership style

1. Dare              choose challenging situations that ask for guts
2. Listen            lead through listening
3. Appreciate   generously give sincere compliments
4. Ask                support in finding answers
5. Be naïve       trust in others until they prove otherwise
6. Smile            eagerly forgive the mistakes you or others make
7. Sing              make meetings move like music

maandag 2 april 2012

Planned organization change needs creation of economical added value through formal structures and systems. Organization development integrates individual needs and interests with collectieve needs and interests of the organization. Development of the organization is therefor also focussed on your DNA within the organization, talent development, behaviour , (un)consciously acting and attitude of people and co-workers. How to deal with challenges related to actual managerial issues in situations of economic contraction? How to keep your DNA in your organization and how to develop human capital within the context of social innovation?